Teach With Us

The collections in the Providence College Archives and Special Collections (ASC) exist to be investigated, explored, and used in countless ways. We invite students, faculty, staff, and community members to visit and engage with primary sources while applying critical thinking and analytical skills.  

Request Archives Instruction

Are you interested in using primary sources in your classes? We are excited to collaborate on primary source instruction at all levels and on a variety of topics.   

To request archives instruction or to learn more, please contact Michelle Chiles, Head of Archives and Special Collections at (401) 865-2578 or mchiles@providence.edu.   

Please request all sessions at least two weeks in advance for one-time, introductory sessions. For more in-depth or embedded projects, these are best planned prior to the semester starting.  

The more time we have to plan the better experience we can create for you and your students. Please contact us as soon as possible and provide your syllabus and/or assignment.  

To make this experience the most successful for your students, we require faculty to attend all class sessions in the archives.  

Sample Classes

Below are just a few examples of class formats that the ASC can provide, but we welcome any ideas you have for incorporating primary sources into your class!  

Introductory sessions  

Intro sessions include a basic overview of the archives and archival principles. We will tailor a selection of primary sources from our collections to use in the class to explore themes and questions related to primary source research. 

Research paper or project

For students to gain a more in-depth experience using an archive, we can provide an introductory session(s) and schedule independent research visits with students or groups as needed. 

Extended or embedded project   

We can also collaborate on semester-long projects such as curating an exhibit, web-based projects, or thesis papers. We are also open to any and all ideas you may have!