Digital Projects

Phillips Memorial Library collects, publishes, and promotes faculty, staff, and student scholarship, and partners with local scholars and institutions to create digital scholarship.

Dorr Rebellion Project

Portrait of Thomas Wilson Dorr

A collaboration with Dr. Erik Chaput and Russell DeSimone, the Dorr Rebellion Project is a collection of resources on the Dorr Rebellion, an attempt by Thomas Wilson Dorr to bring voting rights to all men of Rhode Island in 1842.

The collection includes primary sources, scholarship, bibliographies, a documentary, interviews, and lesson plans. Project partners include John Hay Library (Brown University), Rhode Island Historical Society, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, with funding in part by grants from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, Rhode Island Foundation, and Heritage Harbor Foundation.

View The Project Site

Dorr Letters

With the Dorr Rebellion Project, the Dorr Letters are a collection of the correspondence of Thomas Wilson Dorr with transcriptions. Names, places, and dates in the texts have been encoded using TEI to surface relationships, geographies, and chronologies around Dorr and the Rebellion.

View Dorr Letters Site
Samuel Adams Dorr to Thomas Wilson Dorr:

Sons of Providence

Sons of Providence

This multimedia exhibit features the collaborative research of Dr. Jennifer Illuzzi (History) and Dr. Arthur Urbano (Theology) chronicling the story of the Jewish men who attended Providence College from its founding through the era of the Second Vatican Council. Through interviews, student publications, archival materials, and historical context, learn about these alumni and the groundwork for positive interreligious relations between Jews and Christians laid at Providence College at a time when anti-Semitism was high at home and abroad.

View Sons of Providence Website

Golden Age Literature Glossary Online (GALGO)

The Homepage of Golden Age Literature Glossary Online

A collaboration with Alison Caplan (Foreign Language Studies) and Nuria Alonso García (Global Studies), this digital platform offers readers of literary works from the 16th and 17th centuries an opportunity to unlock the meanings of select keywords and gain insight into the complex, idiosyncratic vocabulary of the Spanish Golden Age. GALGO is a searchable Spanish-English glossary that provides definitions and analysis of pivotal terms that reflect important linguistic and cultural concepts of the early modern period and whose lexical values often differ from those that apply today.

View GALGO Website


The Rosarium Project collects, highlights, digitally curates and brings to the web historical primary sources about the genus Rosa. The project focuses on non-fiction materials written about the rose in English from the sixteenth century up to 1923. These resources include books, pamphlets, ephemera, and articles from popular magazines, scholarly journals and newspapers. The digital texts—with their accompanying images, a rose glossary and a bibliography—are fully searchable. Researchers can browse the books and articles or search through them by keyword, author, title, subject, and other facets. Users have freely available online access to historical documents about roses.

View Rosarium Website
Rosa Muscosa